A little love for breakfast

She turns her bright blues up to mine
Darker, brown rimmed in circles from no sleep
Shimmering at the contact with her sweet soul
And she hesitates
She closes her gates
Her spirit on the brink of lion and lamb
Akin to her I am

I sense her wanting for more
The morning lights angles through the open door
The invitation cut open
Waiting untouched in my hand
She is asking
Yet unsure
I want to give her more
I want to quell her burning flame
Bringing my arms into a tight embrace of her small frame

Why I ask would my daughter pause to hug her mamma
Is it the fear I hold that she will come undone?
Has trepidation won?
She, A challenge from the start
Capturing yet wringing my heart
Screams through the night, unexplained fright
Sensitivity to all
My downfall

Imagining a light between us and hearts open I send her all my love
Silently, soulfully, right there on the cold kitchen floor at dawn
I snuggle my face into her soft robe, feeling warm
Praying that love really will heal all.
Praying as the leaves fall
Outside my window in the rain
Please heal her pain
Please heal her pain

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