Click is a poetic story I wrote about a character, a camera named click. He is very observant, compassionate, mindful and learns to protect the environment and earth that he already loves so much. This is a children's story that would teach children positive character traits and inspire them to take care of the earth like Click.
Click was a very small camera with a very big heart
Click was a very small camera with a very big heart
He was keen and observant and also quite smart
Click had a light that shone from within. He would shine
his bright light on each thing he saw
Focusing closely, able to see more
Sometimes he zoomed, to see really close
He discovered great beauty and details that mattered most
Like all cameras, Click had the ability of amazing
But a camera with a heart, you see, also holds sensitivity
Sensitivity and big hearts holds hands like best friends
The giving and caring and seeing don’t end
Big hearts love freely and then love some more
Big hearts feel tenderly and give kindness galore
On a day full of sunshine and the reminiscence of midnight
Click went a walking on a beach in chilly Maine
Click loved to walk and adored looking to see
Click skipped over the soft pebbly sand and was happy to
He saw with his shutter eye but with his heart too
He saw the beauty of the ocean waves as they tickled the
When feeling grateful for the sunshine, it warmed his soul
even more
He walked down toward the water, where the sand become
While walking he would stop, he would see, he would click
He would focus, zoom in, stop and click again
He saw a sailboat, a drifting cloud and a small brown wren
This was his way of superior visibility
This was the way he expressed sensitivity
This day, while observing, he saw something new
Deep in the ocean, crystal, sapphire and blue.
Deep in the ocean, crystal, sapphire and blue.
He walked along the edge of the waves
At first what he saw was an image of beauty… a glisten of sunlight on the sea salty
He zoomed and he focused to see a bit closer
to capture the moment, he clicked
What happened after, you could not predict
All in one second, he caught a tiny flicker
He zoomed some more to see a bit quicker
Oh no! thought click as his big heart expanded
A grey seal sat still on the sand where it landed
Click thought something was wrong, but he wasn’t quite
He looked a bit closer, he focused some more
He observed that it struggled, then he felt sadness galore
He zoomed and he clicked, to see clearly the sight
He shined his flash, his inner light
And what a fright
The seal was caught in plastic bag
Click felt this was a tricky situation that could end up a
real drag
Click asked a kind woman, with her children for help
She took one look at the scene and let out a small yelp
She told click this was even worse than it appeared
And that she
knew of some things that might seem kind of weird
But she told him of plastic and garbage and stuff
And that people have been using plastic bags more than
That they end up in streams and in oceans and sand
That it breaks down and contaminates our rivers and land
All kinds of animals can get tangled and distressed
That this is a problem that should be addressed
The seal could swallow these bags and stop breathing
These facts are sad, but hold lots of meaning
Click felt uncomfortable when he heard what she said
To feel this way, easy it is not
But caring is honorable and click gave it a shot
Now this seal had beauty as all animals do
A shiny black coat and a cute face too
Click saw clearly with his superior eye
Although he felt saddened , he also felt gladdenned
He was happy to be observant and catch this catastrophy
Because now he could do something stop this atrocity
But before he took action, the seal wriggled free
Click sighed with relief and was as glad as could be
The seal swam away and his beauty remained
This image to click was now deeply ingrained
He wished to prevent it from happening more
He thought about ways to help, while he strolled down the
He decided he could help when he went to the store
He learned a lesson this bright day
His tender sensitivity led the way
Each time he would shop he’d remember this day
The nice woman told him about recycling in more than one way
He could recycle the plastic bags from the store
Or ask for less plastic and use paper more
Or he could bring a bag of his own
Use it each time and bring it back home
Click kept on walking, focusing on the warmth of the
sunshine once again
His heart warmed to know that in the deep sea beside him,
in the sparkling beauty of sapphire blue
That seal was swimming past whispy green seaweed
Around bright orange fish and through refreshing waters
Able to enjoy his day too!
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