Mindfulness Magic


Sitting in the morning, my mind floods with thought. I cant even begin to tell you the amount of plans, ideas, and memories that flit in and out of my inner dialogue. I probably don’t need to tell you because I know you all do the same exact thing. Okay, but here I am, doing my morning meditation. I know so many ways to be mindful and meditate I almost feel annoyed for lacking perfection, then remember that is not the point, and not the goal. In fact the best practitioners say the highest form of wisdom is knowing you have more to learn. Okay, so letting go of perfecting things is definitely a big theme in mindfulness and one many people struggle with.
We are taught to seek perfection, idealism and ultimate satisfaction and success. Really from day one, we are applauded and encouraged when doing “right” and discouraged and reprimanded for doing “wrong” Now, here we are, all grown up. We are learning to be mindful. All we knew, is thrown away. There is no right and wrong, but if anything is wrong, what is wrong is the labeling of  ”right” and “wrong.” There is no perfection, however seeking perfection is an imperfect way to live. It can be so confusing, we have to just laugh about it.
We do have a choice. We can stop analyzing, trying to figure it all out and just allow the natural rhythms, energies and events to unfold around you naturally. You get the ultimate gift of needing to do nothing more than allowing yourself to ride leisurely on the waves of life. Are you happy? Smile big, its okay! Are you sad? Let those tears flow, still okay.
So, back to the morning meditation. After a lot of practicing, maybe 20  minutes, I am lucky that the children have not waken up yet because I finally hit the “zone,” the split second when you shift from all the muck I just described to a mind-full of peace. I feel alive. I feel calm. I’m not trying to, it just arrives. I see the breeze play over the grass and it seems picturesque as if filmed by Hollywood’s top cinematographer, but there it is, in my own eyes, in my own front yard and I am aware enough to SEE it. It fills me with appreciation for the beauty of nature. The same thing happens when my eyes fall on the sun rising, the twisting tree branches now bare of leaves.
The best part is yet to come. Because as much as it is enjoyable to feel this sense of appreciation and joy within nature, 8 o’ clock looms and real life, a full day and a lot of work is before me. But since I practice mindfulness, this mindset can serve me throughout the day. The deep sense of joy and appreciation reaches me in the tough moments making them more peaceful. My personal feelings are more peaceful as are my actions and those around me respond with like energy. My perspective is clear and positive so that bad things can be okay, okay things can be good and good things become some of the best moments, not slipped by and unnoticed. My work is clearer, sharper and I can give more to those around me. This is what mindfulness is all about. I thank myself for taking the time to practice.

Mindful Halloween

Mindful Halloween

The perfect image of children parading the streets, rustling bags of candy, parents trying to keep up from behind. It is such a magical moment. It is iconic and this year it seemed even more so. The houses in the neighborhood all bearing front lawns of pumpkin and scarecrow decor. Yellow and Orange glowing lights from jack o lanterns and windows adding warmth to the scene. I felt a certain sense of joy and peace in the air. I wondered if it was relief. Last year at this time many communities, particularly this one bordering the ocean were devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Halloween celebrations were far below the priority list this day, last year. This year, we could delight in the simplicity of no trauma, just a fun filled, spooky night. No “real” frights this time. The fun of the fright night being just that-fun was illuminated by the comparison. Of course, the weather was actually Halloween perfect! A tiny bit chill, but comfortable, soft air and more warm than cold. Just enough cool breeze to feel like fall.  
My particular mommy moments in light of this occasion we half mindfully delicious and half ego fail! Of course, I put in a ton of love, thought and planning to perfect the night for my little ones. One classic fail move, was over planning. Another classic fail move was over doing it on costume elaboration.  Grandma was here from out of town and she had recently gifted my little ones with Tae Kwan Do lessons! I am very anti-violent but have learned the inherent value in the self discipline and self esteem that are taught in these classes. And, the girls have so much fun! Loud, fast music, running, kicking, high energy!
So I planned in a TKD class on Halloween so Grandma could see how great it is! By the time we got back home and went out trick or treating, the girls were exhausted. They also had a full day of school before this too! I went “all out” on a Monster High costume since my daughter requested it. But realized afterward that she didn’t notice all the little details I spent time on. She was actually upset while I took time to get ready that we were not going outside sooner! She would have been happy if I just threw on the wig, skipped TKD and we happily and without rushing or stress started our trick or treating two hours earlier! We also would have had time, to just enjoy each others company after school, carved our pumpkins and spent quality non planned time together. They definitely had a great time either way but next year I will simplify!

Poem on mindfulness, published on elephant journal

Mindful Musings of a Mom

The best moments are the moments of awareness. Modern Buddism teaches us the awareness if reflection of what is real, and what is true. Like a mirror reflects exactly what is in fron of us without distortion. Our eyes can reflect exactly what is in our lives. It takes practice to refrain from assessment, judgement and analysis of what we see. But if we train ourselves it is attainable. We are left with what is naturally there, which holds more beauty, truth and realness than any single thing we can imagine in our own minds! It is breath taking. It is amazing! It is truth!

Simplicity, simplicity, first requires awareness

Article on mindfulness of consumption

Pre K Mothers Day

A bright spring day
Eyes fall on fresh new flowers, born of April and May
Colorful, bright and cheerful, bouncing like the happy rubber ball,
released from the child's jubilant chubby hands
Soft, warm, grasping, small
Laughter bubbles up into the air around the old trees
Standing proud and tall
Mirroring mother below

Smiling and nodding along
Her child's giggle a happy song
Soothes her soul, makes worth of the drudgery
Her own hands, older, dry, busy
Taming hair, preparing meals, wiping away the dirty

On a journey far from days past
Abroad from the mind
Once and yet still sharp and fast
A girl once, a scholar, a woman carving out dreams and career
Surrounded by friends, plans and events
Now singular and solitary plus two
Surroundings new
Complete change of internal view
Sounds of heel clicks and insightful musing replaced by
pitter patter, playground perusing
Simple conversation
Though knowing more 
New Occupation
Their growth, her allure
Interpreter to child, making sense of the confusing
The world to them, big, new, scary and amazing
Gratitude for these waning moments as her eyes are grazing
She sets them, tired yet content upon her young
These years, soon to be a memory neatly packaged into a single bundle
As they once were years ago, small, sweet bundles of pink
4 and 5 years past in a wink
Almost a blur

A myriad of smiles, tears, growth, sputtering and thriving
Miracle of surviving
As a mother and woman she seeks no less than the strength of the tree trunk she now leans on
No less than the dedication of the ever illuminating sun
No less than the pure joy of her littles at her feet
Will shed 100 tears for 1 smile
Will walk 100 miles 
to bring her child 
forward one yard
So they feel its easy, she will do what's hard

This moment almost past, she watches the sun pick up the color in their bright eyes
She feels the joy in their deep satisfied sighs
A tear of tenderness forms 
The year on the horizon holding promises of new chapters,
Old clay, reformed in new ways
Milestones up ahead, a return to scenes from her younger days 
Same roles, same shoes, different soul
Moment engraved in memory as she runs after bouncing ball

"Brambling Fires" Mindful right speech and the practice of inner peace during conflict

One of life’s hardest demands is facing challenges when they arise. Giving face time to those people and places and things that only make you want to run the other way screaming, yet there you stand, tall and with a smile. If you are able to look fear and hatred square in the face and feel peace in your self this is all that matters. Two very important pieces to realize when being faced by the lions of life are this. First, whatever you feel inside will not in that moment change what is in front of you. So, let’s take a second to visualize a scenario two ways. Picture yourself in the situation you most fear. Now picture the scene, the people, the lighting, the smells. Now visualize your inner landscape. Surely, it is tight, restricted, mind jumbled or racing, muscles tight, breathing short and shallow. Imagine your thoughts. Are the negative, foreboding, fear based? Now remember that and stop. Try scenario two. Same external situation but the only thing that changes is your inner landscape. Purposely change the breathing to deep. Purposely think a positive thought, genuinely access a place in yourself where you take one moment and freeze whatever is around you, accessing inner peace, truly, just for one moment, one breath, allow yourself to relax. Now see if you can make it two breaths, work your way up eventually to any amount of inner peace, anywhere, any time. NOTHING changes but your own perspective yet everything can change in your experience because now instead of the fear you feel peace. The second thing to know it this, Whatever you feel and do in that moment WILL change what happens next. Negativity is a weed that grows rapidly when fed and shrinks like a violet when given no attention. Your world on the outside reflects who you are internally.  It is never too late to change.

I will not react from the heat of the emotion in my soul, When I feel the fires burning, I will allow them to burn for as long as is needed as it is only nature running its course. But I will not allow those fires to reach up from my heart and take over my mouth. I will not give the anger life. When I am ready, I will respond from the coolness of my mind, when the waters have calmed and when and only when I am able to allow the sacredness that is speech, to be pleasant, fair and truly reflective of character will I cast words into the world.

Fire, fire burning bright, everlasting as starry night
Dark yet sprinkled with beauty, near and far, ever reaching, always seeking
No one can put you out
Not one can put you down
But your may only burn on the ground
Because without trees of thought and branches of reaction there is nowhere you can go
Spread far, spread wide, toss an toil in your glorious might
Mull me over in reflection over many day and night
But do not grow
Because I know
Without permission of the will
Without the winds of action continuing
Without the sins of traction and surrendering what is peaceful and still
You can toss the brambles and dried grasses up and down this hill
Only until
You run out of energy and I will not give any of mine
I’m sorry old friend, I wont lend a hand
We will meet again time after time
My teacher you are, you come from afar yet closer than any could be
You are me
You are a part of me
A part, I allow, as it would be silly to say a part of my very being, my clearly seeing could even
Be something of nothing
But sit still you will after you toil and till through your rambling will
And by you I mean me, and by me I mean we
As we were, peacefully, we will continue, we will be

American Girl

Another message to my daughters and all young girls. There is a notion of an American Girl. She is beautiful, polished and somewhat perfect. On a track through life that will lead to success of all kinds. Starting with ideas of perfect princesses in preschool, good grades and popularity. Later on, successful career while simultaneously perfecting roles of wife and mother. This notion was somewhat derived from positive and revolutionary feminist ideals. Women once fought for other women to have "everything" career and home, children and identity! Concurrently, fashion and beauty industries have projected many ideas of what this new woman would look like. Red lipstick, perfect figure, spotless home. Still today, girls are bombarded with images of clothes, trends and cookie cuttter types from a very young age. 
It can be wonderful and freeing. If the girls and women are taught to take the beauty and essence of this message and embrace it for its best intentions. To be her truest self, whoever that is! To allow her creativity, beauty and intelligence to shine. To nurture as a mother. To nurture her self as a woman as well. There is the danger and reality however, that many young girls and young women get caught up and twisted in the ideas. Sadly, girls try to emulate each image they see and forget who they are. They lose self esteem. The become attached to test scores, magazine covers and peer pressure.Depression and anxiety are higher in adolescent girls than ever before. This a symptom of many imbalances, not solely the one described here. Young women trying to achieve both career and household success burn out. They give their all to everyone around them. They cast their own needs aside and engage in activities that are meant to bring joy to their loved ones. Their daily lives orbit around their children while their jobs, personal accomplishments, partners and household duites are juggled. They are so encapsulated in forging forward to each accomplishment that they forget to practice stopping, breathing, gratitude and self care. Everything they are striving for becomes lost in the muddle. This poem is about enveloping the glory of feminism and being cautious about the shadow side of this very notion. 

She is a train
Strong, shiny and glamorous
She is admired
She is empty
She is fast, dutifully
Swiftly moving forward

She follows tracks, laid out before her, without her
It is not about her
It is about the destination she will reach
She presses on, strong, fast and empty
She carries passengers, along for the ride
It is not about her
Only where she will bring them
Their journey, her map

She is shiny, strong and admired
She is revered, polished and adorned
Simple, ornate
Always moving forward to a new destination
Attempting to fulfill her societies expectations
A feat to be admired yet a slippery slope
Slowly pealing away identity, creativity and hope

Break across the tracks girl
Forge your own destination
Break through the expectations
Make your own Creation
Better than others wishes and visions
You are a vison, yourself, in your own right
This is your personal flight
Surpassing all mirages is the one of your own
The best person you can be is you
Breaking through 
stereotypes and pre fabricated molds
This is not a notion of rebellion
It is a notion of freedom
Your national right
Your birth pledge
What your grandmothers mothers battled for, wished about
You can shout out from the depths of your being
I am me, It is freeing

Click- An environment and values story for children

Click is a poetic story I wrote about a character, a camera named click. He is very observant, compassionate, mindful and learns to protect the environment and earth that he already loves so much. This is a children's story that would teach children positive character traits and inspire them to take care of the earth like Click.

Click was a very small camera with a very big heart
He was keen and observant and also quite smart
Click had a light that shone from within. He would shine his bright light on each thing he saw
Focusing closely, able to see more

Sometimes he zoomed, to see really close
He discovered great beauty and details that mattered most
Like all cameras, Click had the ability of amazing visibility
But a camera with a heart, you see, also holds sensitivity

Sensitivity and big hearts holds hands like best friends
The giving and caring and seeing don’t end
Big hearts love freely and then love some more
Big hearts feel tenderly and give kindness galore

On a day full of sunshine and the reminiscence of midnight rain
Click went a walking on a beach in chilly Maine
Click loved to walk and adored looking to see
Click skipped over the soft pebbly sand and was happy to be
He saw with his shutter eye but with his heart too
He saw the beauty of the ocean waves as they tickled the shore
When feeling grateful for the sunshine, it warmed his soul even more

He walked down toward the water, where the sand become slick
While walking he would stop, he would see, he would click
He would focus, zoom in, stop and click again
He saw a sailboat, a drifting cloud and a small brown wren

This was his way of superior visibility
This was the way he expressed sensitivity
This day, while observing, he saw something new
Deep in the ocean, crystal, sapphire and blue.
He walked along the edge of the waves
At first what he saw was an image of beauty… a glisten of sunlight on the sea salty sprays
He zoomed and he focused to see a bit closer
to capture the moment, he clicked
What happened after, you could not predict

All in one second, he caught a tiny flicker
He zoomed some more to see a bit quicker
Oh no! thought click as his big heart expanded
A grey seal sat still on the sand where it landed
Click thought something was wrong, but he wasn’t quite sure
He looked a bit closer, he focused some more
He observed that it struggled, then he felt sadness galore

He zoomed and he clicked, to see clearly the sight
He shined his flash, his inner light
And what a fright
The seal was caught in plastic bag
Click felt this was a tricky situation that could end up a real drag
Click asked a kind woman, with her children for help
She took one look at the scene and let out a small yelp
She told click this was even worse than it appeared
 And that she knew of some things that might seem kind of weird
But she told him of plastic and garbage and stuff
And that people have been using plastic bags more than enough
That they end up in streams and in oceans and sand
That it breaks down and contaminates our rivers and land
All kinds of animals can get tangled and distressed
That this is a problem that should be addressed
The seal could swallow these bags and stop breathing
These facts are sad, but hold lots of meaning

Click felt uncomfortable when he heard what she said
To feel this way, easy it is not
But caring is honorable and click gave it a shot

Now this seal had beauty as all animals do
A shiny black coat and a cute face too
Click saw clearly with his superior eye
Although he felt saddened , he also felt gladdenned
He was happy to be observant and catch this catastrophy
Because now he could do something stop this atrocity
But before he took action, the seal wriggled free
Click sighed with relief and was as glad as could be

The seal swam away and his beauty remained
This image to click was now deeply ingrained
He wished to prevent it from happening more
He thought about ways to help, while he strolled down the shore
He decided he could help when he went to the store
He learned a lesson this bright day
His tender sensitivity led the way
Each time he would shop he’d remember this day
The nice woman told him about recycling in more than one way

He could recycle the plastic bags from the store
Or ask for less plastic and use paper more
Or he could bring a bag of his own
Use it each time and bring it back home
Click kept on walking, focusing on the warmth of the sunshine once again
His heart warmed to know that in the deep sea beside him, in the sparkling beauty of sapphire blue
That seal was swimming past whispy green seaweed
Around bright orange fish and through refreshing waters
Able to enjoy his day too!

The Light Within

The light within

Sun creates lights
And the blocking of light creates shadow
The shape of the shadow matches the object blocking the light
The shadow only an effect of the blocking
The darkness only a temporary non existent illusion
Causing passing blindness and changeable confusion
Remove the block and the light shines on
The light ceases to end,  no night
It is only an illusion of perception
Cannot see but not gone only blocked
The light is always bright
It is only blocked by the shape of many deceptors
It is blocked by anger, sadness, despair
It is blocked by a person who gives up and doesn’t care
Yet it waits, patiently, always there
When you are ready to take the blocks down
It will flood back through you, shining brightly on all around
Shining on happily, joyfully abound
Rushing forward like a waterfall
Refreshing and pure


Written by Sara, Chris, Simon, Brett, Olivia and Brother Man and Blue Cliff Monastery, Based on mindfulness training number 5 


The 5th Mindfulness Training-Nourishment and Health
This is our foundation, our inner wealth
Tell me a story of a soul broken open
To have and to hold over and over again
Show me what you have seen
Show me what you have loved
Show me what you have eaten, and heard
Show me your smile
Maybe the apples we've eaten were sisters on the same tree,
and now in us they can speak to each other again-tell me your story
What I eat-I am
I consume your story
Magazines and movies
Men who fight for glory
No more, stop.
I'm going back to wisdom
This is it my friend
Let's rejoice in the Kingdom
Yes indeed, to the end
Be wise, be kind
Be your self.

You don't have to cover up loneliness, anxiety, other suffering with consumption
Come back to the breath.
Please do pay attention
This is our life and we've got to make it happen-release the tension.
Don't live in apprehension.
Be free
Just Be

More, more, more
Give me more
Where's my satisfaction?
Satisfaction promised
but I don't get any traction
I don't buy into your faction
of overaction
Who are you?
Tell me true
Are you reflecting the flashing TV screen, white and blue?
Or are you reflecting the True inner you?
You can be yourself
Dont make who you are come out of a screen or off of a shelf.

View from a treetop

View from a treetop way up high from the tips of the leaves splayed out across the sky
The blue dessert above, open, serene and extending
The neighboring leaves, rustling and surrendering
Their movements conducted by the wind
Their music a gift to the air
Green and vibrant, circulating our breathing with care
Connecting us to the sun
Projecting life into our lungs
Selecting no one
Non-discrimination, one not more deserving of life than the other
A lesson, in each person, a sister and a brother
All inter-laced, each reflecting the same inner landscape
A family, a unit, a sangha
Only creating distance and discord by choice
Judgement and discrimination, causing separation
Only maintaining ignorance with discord of voice
Approaching another with hesitation
Turning pain into words, arrows of poison
Forgetting our breath, forgetting our mingling
Its time to remember, stop and look up at the tree
Breathe and release
Smile at another, feel the flood of inner peace
Speak in kindness, not in hate
Quiet the fear and seal the fate
The future is yours, a hidden gem inside you
The power sits in your words and awareness
Let go of the carelessness

White Geese

White Geese

I woke up this morning with a feeling of peace
An image of two white flying geese
Gliding south on late summer air
Almost cold
The flight of my grandparents, here to say hello
Delivering a message, within this poem
A visit from ancester’s past
The wind swirls up a few fallen leaves
The air is warm, the kind lusted in the early frozen spring
The message to embrace all seasons and all change
No guessing
A feeling of knowing in my bones
A connection to something beyond my knowing
Like a radio, it was always inside me
But within this frequency I can pick up the signal
I can feel the assurance that all is well
All is one
All is touched by its rays
like the sun as it lays
across each growing stalk of wheat in the open fields
Rising in the east and warming the brown earth
Creating the cycle, beginning with birth

I see a red barn, crochet needles, balls of yarn
I see words written in the sky
I see pride
I see the ocean, swells of waves
I see graves
I see babies, chubby and sweet
I see meals of vegetables and meat
I see sand, massaging the bottoms of bare feet
I see trees, tall, strong and old
I see grey hair, silver and bold
I see smiles and creases in faces
I see the spanse of the earth and the continents
Cosmic connection between all the spaces
I see hands holding, metaphorically
I see minds joined, euphorically
I see words imploring me

The path leads, lays unassumingly at my feet
I walk to the rhythm of the earths heart beat
My gait stands tall
My stride becomes confident and strong
As I hum the words of my ancestors song
Without logic, this transference
A lesson in ultimate occurances
Nothing begins and nothing ends

They are still with me, living on within my cells
Their wisdom runs like sap in my veins
Tappable with the sound of meditation bells
Failure a misguided notion in this game
More accuratelty alignment or not
No more logicating, and dangerously vibrating thought
The leaves kick up in the wind, and delightfully spin
Their laughter contagious
A smile unknowlingly takes form
Stop that deciding what is right or wrong
Happy or sad trumps good or bad
Happy means alignment with rightness
Joy means inner and outer lightness
Melt into the moment you were meant to be in
Feel each sensation as it creeps in
Smile my dear and breathe too
That’s all you need to do

Rainy Love

I am in love with rain, I want to shout from the depths of my being when I hear him tapping on my windows.
I am immediately transported to his magical world where everything grows
My soul eases into a peaceful sleep,
I pray the lord my soul to keep

The earth wrapping a rhythmic blanket around my existence
Not even a reminder of my normal resistance
I retreat in my bed, thick dreams swirl in and out of my head
vivid snippets and foggy clips of another time and place
Taking my aching and replacing with grace
Waking with peace, calmness abounds
Peeking outside to find that you are still around
Washing away sounds and soaking into the solid ground
Excited to start my morning with your damp dark soul
Awake my own
Chill my bones
You are now the reason I grow old
I can get through each day with your enveloping reminders, refreshing and bold
I fall into your arms with heavy sighs
You honor beginnings with your ceremonial goodbyes
Washing away the season of rawness, hard cold
Putting your arm around the ice and leading her to a cave that you hold 
Safe corners to place all past things
Summoning in the gentle spring
You take her hand and keep her safe
Nurturing her birth space
I quietly slip outside to feel your next move
Your comforting fluidity, silky and smooth
brushes your touch upon my delicate skin
I turn my face to meet your wind
Your refreshing droplets can softly wake me up
I'll let you fall into my steaming coffee cup
Overflow if you will
Ill swallow you like a thousand pills
Ill lose myself in you
Ill swim in your soft grey and dark blue

My yellow raincoat falls unoticed around my figure
I am no longer attached to the material, the slick plasticky world that insists on its rigor
The severity of life lets go of its tenacity
I surrender to the natural force of your gravity
Rain over me and wash me clean as you fall
Your are my only, my everything, my all
Splash around me and mingle with my soul
I am lost in your flow
You enable me to grow
I am no longer me or here
I no longer see or fear
Yet I am all this and all now
I honor you, I bend in reverence in a deep bow
Bravo, my love, my rain and renewal
All transformation comes through you.

Spirit of love

  An invincible force, 
She can carelessly skid off course
Yet she stays alive, even without the sensation of touch
stripped of most, not left with much
Even with the aching pain, illusion of the not forgotten
Waves of delusion, both ancient and modern
written on my skin, whispers like the wind

Love lives without sight
Living in love 
amidst a fight
Eyes unwittingly seeking, laying upon the image of all but it desires
Trapped in the muck and mire

She is giving nothing but the white light of spirit
She is flying high with the hawks, soaring freely through the sky
Earning the prize of adoration, nothing you can buy
Impossible, Probable, Undeniable
  given without the notion of handing it over
She is a spring breeze, kissing the clover

She is here, breathing. She is you, conscious. She is me, living
She is the pure notion of giving
 Love is taken by its own unique connection to another
Love is an open field in a tornado, void of protection and cover

She is nothing and all
She can defeat and entrall
The sparkling in an eye
The tormenting in goodbye
The beautiful bend in the branch of the tree
Her cost is pain, yet is priceless, an enigma, given free

She is the foundation of any worthy notion
She is small as a speck and wide as the ocean
She is unpredictable like the roll of the dice
Sour lemon juice, burns with the sharp knife slice
Yet sweet as the strawberry red and ripe

 No direction given from her desire
Yet here she burns, hot bright fire.
No inspection from his mind
Yet here we are, aligned.
Love alive with nothing defined 
Love poised tall, strong and thriving
Knowing of nothing but surviving

Growing like a weed,
strengthening our need 
Up, across and down, resistant, strong
Haunting with its ghost, unsatisfied that it wont belong
A unmistakable existence that has come along
Scratching to come undone

Feel her running behind you, so you cant hide
Turn around and she's gone, like sand in the tide
Familiar anguish of the invisible truth that exists
Washing gently over the empty wave of ruthlessness


Anger, a poisonous snake, a slithering black belly through her veins
Revealing your neon green slits of eyes for which you’re famed
Sliding, Siberian self, slyly 
Shimmering in your slivering, silvery scaly projection wryly
Shoving through fallen cracking leaves drying

Screams of terror ring emphatically in her head
Gut wrenching, heart pounding, fear and dread
Running over a tiny path in a deep dark space
Her long whipping hair sticking to her feverish face
Her sweat beading, her soul bleeding
Cracked by the wild wind, down trodden and chagrined
Feet pounding the ground.
Close to silence, the only lonely sound
Thud, Thud, smacking of the soles on the frozen dirt
Her breathing perceptible beneath her thin shirt
Heartbeats pounding matching the thud
Slipping on the spring mud
Falling, freely to the ground
Accepting defeat, no one else around
She wipes the tears streaming down her dirty face
Her feelings are heated and out of place
The snake returns and smiles blindly
She returns the sentiment all too kindly
He hisses and turns and goes on his way
She breathes relief and starts to unfray
Lying down on scratchy leaves
Giving in to what she truly believes
Sobbing gently turning to her side
The past notions subside
Tear slips down
Hits the ground
Beads into a mystical sphere
Beauty erases fear