Mindful Halloween
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The perfect image of children parading the streets, rustling bags of candy, parents trying to keep up from behind. It is such a magical moment. It is iconic and this year it seemed even more so. The houses in the neighborhood all bearing front lawns of pumpkin and scarecrow decor. Yellow and Orange glowing lights from jack o lanterns and windows adding warmth to the scene. I felt a certain sense of joy and peace in the air. I wondered if it was relief. Last year at this time many communities, particularly this one bordering the ocean were devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Halloween celebrations were far below the priority list this day, last year. This year, we could delight in the simplicity of no trauma, just a fun filled, spooky night. No “real” frights this time. The fun of the fright night being just that-fun was illuminated by the comparison. Of course, the weather was actually Halloween perfect! A tiny bit chill, but comfortable, soft air and more warm than cold. Just enough cool breeze to feel like fall.
My particular mommy moments in light of this occasion we half mindfully delicious and half ego fail! Of course, I put in a ton of love, thought and planning to perfect the night for my little ones. One classic fail move, was over planning. Another classic fail move was over doing it on costume elaboration. Grandma was here from out of town and she had recently gifted my little ones with Tae Kwan Do lessons! I am very anti-violent but have learned the inherent value in the self discipline and self esteem that are taught in these classes. And, the girls have so much fun! Loud, fast music, running, kicking, high energy!
So I planned in a TKD class on Halloween so Grandma could see how great it is! By the time we got back home and went out trick or treating, the girls were exhausted. They also had a full day of school before this too! I went “all out” on a Monster High costume since my daughter requested it. But realized afterward that she didn’t notice all the little details I spent time on. She was actually upset while I took time to get ready that we were not going outside sooner! She would have been happy if I just threw on the wig, skipped TKD and we happily and without rushing or stress started our trick or treating two hours earlier! We also would have had time, to just enjoy each others company after school, carved our pumpkins and spent quality non planned time together. They definitely had a great time either way but next year I will simplify!