The light

Long spans of land, brown and barren
Set free by the rising sun
Cold cracked earth warmed
Horizon specked by slight illumination
To raise my eyes to see the rising
To cast sight away from the decrepit, the dull, the sodden

To see the light upon the ground
Where once rang sounds of wartime gunshots
Now reverberating in sounds of mindfulness bells
Quiet and still
Powerful as stormy ocean swells
All eyes fall down in silent prayer
The ground remembers and subtly reminds us the war was fought there

Silently she speaks through her energy
We hear, we listen
Upon the skies her sun will rise
It glistens, unchanging
Day after day
To this we pay

We offer gratitude for light and acknowledgement of dark
Those who live true, speak out, shut down
The soldiers fighting for freedom and honor
Shut down, knocked down, held silent by hatred
The open, they spread their wings
Clipped by the closed and narrow

The message, not to hide from the assailant but to only soar still
To glide higher
To resemble to hawk, the sparrow, the light
Take solace in your flight, your song, your illumination
and rejoice in your voice

It is you who needs to speak, to love, to let the light out from above
It is you who keeps the rising, catches the falling embers of hatred and douses them with holy water
Polishing the coal into diamonds that shine
Perpetual motion through time
The holy dying
The holy hit by stones of the loney
Lift them up, lift up the hurt and tortured ones who lie among the weeds where they grow
In the cold barren lands
Wash your hands
Clean your heart
You- merely yet greatly a part of the whole

Keep it beating with its meaning
Love, love, love, love love 
Stay true to the rising sun
Elevate with the light, take flight, take flight

A little love for breakfast

She turns her bright blues up to mine
Darker, brown rimmed in circles from no sleep
Shimmering at the contact with her sweet soul
And she hesitates
She closes her gates
Her spirit on the brink of lion and lamb
Akin to her I am

I sense her wanting for more
The morning lights angles through the open door
The invitation cut open
Waiting untouched in my hand
She is asking
Yet unsure
I want to give her more
I want to quell her burning flame
Bringing my arms into a tight embrace of her small frame

Why I ask would my daughter pause to hug her mamma
Is it the fear I hold that she will come undone?
Has trepidation won?
She, A challenge from the start
Capturing yet wringing my heart
Screams through the night, unexplained fright
Sensitivity to all
My downfall

Imagining a light between us and hearts open I send her all my love
Silently, soulfully, right there on the cold kitchen floor at dawn
I snuggle my face into her soft robe, feeling warm
Praying that love really will heal all.
Praying as the leaves fall
Outside my window in the rain
Please heal her pain
Please heal her pain